It’s not enough to get mentioned in the news once. While that’s great, your goal is to obtain a “rhythmic thumping” of coverage that builds awareness of your company and product. More critically, this coverage should be positive and create buzz about you. Good public relations is not about an overglorified product launch. Good PR is about building and sustaining a groundswell of brand support—incrementally changing buyer behaviors
via a steady stream of relevant and candid communication to both “media” and “consumers.” A well-constructed PR campaign ensures your company is seen in the right places and remembered for the right reasons—and, perhaps most importantly, at the right time. You don’t need an expensive public relations agency to get favorable coverage, nor is there a guarantee that you will be positive coverage even if you have an expensive agency. The key to successful PR is to identify your audience and their drivers, and then develop tailored content that is specifically designed to engage and resonate. Compelling stories work. Be a sticky read.
Stay abreast of the industry – what’s hot, what’s not, what’s game changing, then package your messaging to pick up on these trends.